Who We Are

Exeter Bible Fellowship Church shares in the Biblical mission of the global Church to worship God, edify the saints, and evangelize the world.


What We Believe

The Bible is the Word of God, inspired and without error, and the final authority for faith and life. In one true and living God, existing in three co-equal and co-eternal persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), who has created all things out of nothing, and continues to sustain, provide, and rule all things to accomplish His purposes. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who added full humanity to His perfect deity, was born of a virgin, obeyed God perfectly, died for the sins of humanity, rose again, and ascended to the Father. The Holy Spirit is equally God and came from the Father and Son to complete and perfect in us all the works Jesus began, convicting of sin, forming Christ-like character, and gifting us for ministry. People were created in God's image (though that image is now marred), through Adam's sin all are sinners by nature, alienated from God, without ability to reconcile themselves to God apart from the work of Christ.

Salvation is the gift of God provided by His grace and received by those who have faith in Jesus and His finished work on the Cross which satisfied God's wrath against their sins and provided eternal righteousness and life. The Church, universally and locally, is a new people of God in which Christ has ultimate authority, is called together as Christ's followers to share the truth and love of Jesus with the world, and has been granted two practices (Baptism & Lord's Supper) to celebrate God's work.

In the personal and visible return of Jesus Christ, the establishment of His Millennial Kingdom, the bodily resurrection and final judgment of every person after which believers enter into eternal joy in God's presence and nonbelievers enter into endless suffering in hell apart from Him.

What to expect at EBFC as a Christ-follower

· Bold, unashamed, passionate, expository preaching of all of God’s Word.

· Faithful teaching on how to properly study, understand and apply God’s Word.

· Fellowship with other Saints through worship services, enjoyable events (food is usually involved), small groups, elective studies, and service opportunities.

· Promotion of holiness through accountability and the mirror of God’s Word.


What to expect at EBFC as a non-Christ-Follower

Loving and welcoming people who desire to serve you in practical ways while never shying away from the Scriptures. We believe that true love is doing whatever we can, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to see you at the center of God’s will, and that starts with a recognition of sin and separation from a Holy God. You are in good company because everyone who sets foot here is or was also once separated from Him.

At EBFC, we labor towards the goal of

each individual hearing

“well done, good and faithful slave.”

- Matthew 25:21 (NASB)